Hiccoughs (or hiccups) can be caused by doing the following:
- swallowing air accidentally because you are eating too fast / eating & talking
- the action of smoking
- the action of chewing gum
- drinking alcohol, which can relax your diaphragm and vocal cords
- drinking carbonated beverages
- eating too much, especially fatty foods. The expanded stomach presses on the diaphragm
- eating very spicy food, which may irritate the nerves controlling diaphragm contractions
- inhaling toxic fumes
- exercising soon after eating
- a sudden internal or external temperature change
- taking medications, especially benzodiazepines, but also many others
Or by having these conditions
- anxiety / stress
- excitement / joy /euphoria / laughing
- stroke
- brain tumour
- damage to the vagus or phrenic nerve – can cause long-term hiccoughs
- liver problems can irritate the diaphragm
- multiple sclerosis
- pregnancy – especially the 3rd trimester
- meningitis
And babies can get them just from crying, coughing, or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD).