Sometimes extra messages are sent from your brain via the phrenic nerve to your diaphragm. The diaphragm then contracts too quickly and you get hiccoughs.
Your diaphragm is a muscle. When it spasms you get hiccoughs (also spelled hiccups).
When external muscles spasm, it is called cramp. The most common response to cramp is to work or stretch the muscle. The same applies to hiccoughs. See causes of hiccoughs.
The best solution is to stretch your diaphragm to its extremes. Breathe in as long and as deep as you can, and hold it. Then exhale slowly until your lungs are totally empty.
That should work.
Here are some other remedies:
- holding your breath
- drinking a glass of water (stimulates the nerve between your brain and stomach) – try taking 10 even sips
- have someone frighten or surprise you / distractions
- smelling salts
- sit down, lean forward and push the diaphragm against the knees
- dry sugar on the back of the tongue
- breathe repeatedly into a paper bag (builds up carbon dioxide in your blood)
- pull hard on your tongue, or sticking out your tongue
- swallowing dry bread
- swallowing crushed ice or drinking ice cold water
- drink one shot of angostura bitters
- drink one teaspoon of honey mixed with water – it tickles the vagus nerve (also try a spoonful of peanut butter)
- make yourself sneeze or burp. Or simply cough
- eating something sour – like lemon or vinegar
- eating something spicy – creates an irritation to the taste buds, thus diverting the brain’s concentration. Note: spicy food is also a cause of hiccups!
(none have ever been scientifically proven, nor have sufficiently major studies been made… bu some very small studies also suggest drinking with plugged ears, cotton swabs, orgasms and rectal massage…)
If the hiccups last more than 3 hours, and especially when combined with other symptoms or affecting your normal functions – see a doctor ASAP
Fun fact – men and babies / young children get them more than women! More facts here